• 9th June 2022

Blog: Song of Thanksgiving

As we prepare for our next VQ Discovery course, it is with special feeling that we look closely at Beethoven’s Quartet in A minor, op. 132. Even amongst his epic late quartets, this particular work stands out and seems to carry a weight that is especially personal to Beethoven. We can feel it in every movement, but most significantly in the slow third movement. Beethoven was already pushing the boundaries of classical form in his quartet-writing. When we play the op. 132, we get the sense that he written this work as pure expression. Written in 1825 after he suffered a debilitating stomach illness, Beethoven’s grasp on health and life would have been very fragile. The slow movement of this quartet – the heart of the op. 132 – is his Heiliger Dankgesang, a Song of Thanksgiving for his recovery and for his survival. This topic carries significant meaning for us, as we have the perspective to see the impact of Covid upon our generation. Never has both our physical and mental health been affected so directly, and after more than two years of uncertainty, we are just now beginning to feel a new lease on life. We are thankful to have reached this point, and in many ways this connection to Beethoven expresses exactly how we feel. We will delve into more of these thoughts and explorations, on our Beethoven Op. 132 course, June 13 – July 10.


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